Welcome to the virtual DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) (Dortmund)
15 - 19 March 2021
- Particle Physics
- Radiation and Medical Physics
- Working Group on Accelerator Physics
- Working Group on Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence
The cancellation of the DPG Spring Meeting 2020 was also an unavoidable decision from today's perspective. It was not an easy decision, because hardly anything affects scientific life more sensitively than the loss of encounters and lively exchange in direct conversation.
We can see today that our life and work will continue to be determined by the pandemic for some time to come. Against this background, a return to the usual conference format in spring 2021 is not yet conceivable. At the same time, the conference should not be missed a second time. We have therefore decided to hold a virtual conference with the support of the Technical University of Dortmund within the originally planned period. To our regret, the current infection situation does not allow the implementation of the originally planned hybrid format.
We are aware that this is not a substitute for a "real" DPG Spring Meeting, but an exception. At the same time, the changeover in recent months has given us an insight into the possibilities offered by digital communication. Against this background, we dare to hold the Spring Meeting 2021 as a hybrid conference.
We look forward to welcoming you virtually in March.